Saturday, December 12, 2009
We need your prayers for ALL that is taking place, GOD IS SO GOOD!!
The second week we were home Jamin had a city wide worship service at his church. Ten different churches were represented from the Manaedero area. It had rained the whole day, they were expecting 300 people to come, even with the rain a 150-170 people showed up. The church was so full, you couldn't walk in the church without people having to move out of the way. Even twenty or so stood outside in the cold, rainy weather under a tarp. The pastors in the community will meet once a month at different churches to worship together.
Ricardo and Rosy had an evening for just married couples, Francisco and Jamin's church were invited to share in the evening. It has been great to see the pastors come together. The district superintendent, Roberto comes down to Ensenada once a month to encourage and train the pastors in the Alliance. Roberto has a lot of work to do, but he has been very encouraged with the progress each of the pastors are making. It has been an adjustment for each of the pastors to come under the a denomination, culturally this is not easy for them to have to submit to authority and be held accountable. This is very important that the pastors understand and are willing to go through the whole process so that they will grow as pastors. Pray for Roberto as he is leading the pastors, he has an incredible amount of understanding, but I am sure at times it is very testing.
This last weekend our family and Francisco's family went to Mexicali. We went to church with Gustavo and Francis, first time we had been back since Vegas had constructed the church. They are a church full of life, growing and sacrificing together. Their church was broke into in the summer and their sound system was stolen. Gustavo had to adjust the one mic they have several times throughout the service. It didn't put a damper on the service, they continue to be thankful for all that God is doing. Part of the reason we went to Mexicali was to visit a cell church Francisco has started outside of the city. We met in one of the families home with another family, they were excited to have started the cell church. Francisco has a vision to plant churches in the Mexicali valley. At this time he is meeting with this cell church once a month and hoping to train up a pastor in Maneadero to pastor his church, so that he can move his family to Mexicali. He has four solid families in this cell church, with a vision to reach those who do not know Christ. We are excited to see what God has ahead in Mexicali. As we drove home we were filled with awe at how God is moving, it was a great trip to Mexicali. Only wishing it wasn't so hot in the summer so that we can visit more often.
Our plan is to break ground this January to build our facility to house groups. God placed an amazing man in our community who has graciously given us land (right behind Tacos El Pablanos, how convenient). At the end of January we plan to lay the cement slab and over the month of February we have three groups who have committed to help build the NEW apartment complex. Pray for us that the funding and the help need to put this up will all come together. We are very grateful for the sacrifice each of these churches are committing to, not only the money but the time to come. As the mission has grown we are now in a place that we need to have a facility that is our own. We are moving ahead and trusting that God will give us just what we need and when we need it. Sometimes it is not always the way we think it should be, we are grateful for all who have surrounded us with support. Please pray for us as we move ahead with this huge project. If you would like to see what the apartment is projected to look like, please check out the ensenada project on facebook. Also, there are new pictures of Gustavos church and the work on Rafa's cement pad for a church building.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Very soon we will be home and finished our speaking tour!
It has been sometime since we have been able to write a blog. We have been on our speaking tour since the first of September, speaking in different churches. We have been able to spend some time together as a family, and with our parents just hanging out. We have found this time to be very refreshing and energizing as we look forward to going back to Mexico. One of the fun ways we have been able to keep in contact with the pastors and friends at home is through Facebook. Who would of thought that this would have been a great way to stay in touch? While we were gone someone tried to break into our home, and our alarm scared him or her away. Two weeks later Sammy left a message and told us that the robbers came back; he then paused and with a sweet voice said, "just kidding".
Over the past month we connected with several groups that have been down on a short-term experience. We have enjoyed the opportunity to go to the churches that have partnered with us to share our vision with the whole church. Two weeks ago Princeton Alliance Church brought us out to New Jersey to be apart of a concert to raise money for the boy's home. The Refuge Concert was a fundraiser to help Juan plant a church in the city of Ensenada and a youth center. They were able to raise $20,000; praise God! God is so good, we are grateful to be able to do more work to further God's kingdom! At the end of our time out east we were asked to speak at the Metro District Conference. It was a great time of hanging out with our friends and we were able to make some new connections in the district.
We returned to Canada (it's really cold here, it actually snowed last night and we don't have heat in the vehicle, we might have to get it repaired.), spending time with family. This past Sunday, to our surprise Abby and Moriah joined Rebekah and their cousin Paige singing a Spanish song in front of church and Rick was able to share in his brothers church, this was a special time for his parents and brother to hear of what God is doing in Ensenada. One of the things that surprised us was the amount of Mexican brothers who were at the church. We had a great time after the service eating traditional Mexican food and listening to a woman sing Spanish songs. Reminded us so much of home. How our friends love food and having fun together. Who would of thought we would have found a little of Mexico in Canada?
A couple of things that have happened since we left Mexico: Fransisco called a few weeks ago, asking Rick if he would continue to partner with him if he goes to Mexicali to plant three churches. God is moving and stirring in Fransisco's heart, please pray for Fransisco, as he needs to work through the details. Fransisco needs to find someone to lead his church in Maneadero, Aposento Alto. Last week we received an email from Juan, he was excited to share with us that he had been given land, in his words "very beautiful land" for a girls home. God is doing amazing things, we can't wait to go home and start getting involved.
We have just a couple more weeks till we go home; please continue to pray for us as we are traveling. We have spent much of our time seeking God and His direction in what He wants us to do this year. God has been putting many of the details together with a facility for our groups. Our hope is to start in late December, early January pouring the cement pad and begin building in January. We have been encouraged to have groups who are willing to come down and work hard to get this done before our spring break groups. Pray for us, if this is truly Gods will that every thing will come together. If you would like to be apart of this, or know of men’s groups that would like to build this apartment complex we would welcome your interest.
Rick & Tammie
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Finished for the summer! Now on speaking tour!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The last leg of our summer has been an interesting one!
The last leg of our summer has been an interesting one. God has taught us in unique ways how to continue to depend on Him in all that we do. Three adults over the last three weeks have visited the hospital and needed an IV to rehydrate their bodies. Several people have struggled with the normal Mexican symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting. Come to find out our pure water filter hadn't been changed by the company for a year. Two of our daughters and I ran to the hospital for fear they may have had the swine flu, just to find out it was a cold. As Rick has been sharing in the debriefs, coming to Mexico is a step of faith. It is not taking the "safe" route. God shows His power even through the times we're not sure what is going on, or why everybody is getting sick. There doesn't seem to be an easy answer, but one thing I continue to realize, God shows Himself through every circumstance. We have an amazing God who we serve.The past three weeks have been a stretch for us, they have been made up of several different groups each week. Starting in August we had 5 different Churches represented. Two from North Carolina, one from L.A., one from Redding and a lady from Tacoma, Washington. With each group coming together to finish Reynario's church, painting Jamin's church, putting an extension on Pastor Faustino's house and building a home for a family Reynario knew. All this in one week and each group sharing with the children in all five churches. Because there were so many we were able to visit each church three times during the week. It was crazy to organize, but incredible to see more and more kids coming each day. In Fransisco's church there were kids who had been coming to the VBS's, and through that a family became interested in coming to Church. Fransisco got Casey to bring a prayer team by their home, and were able to minister to the family.The following week three different groups from Wisconsin, New Jersey and Redding, California came. Again we were able to pour a lot of time into the communities with VBS. The encouraging thing is that we can see lives change and grow as groups communicate God's love. Two groups were able to work on two pastor's homes. Todd Skinner's group built Pastor Fransisco's home on top of the church (beautiful view of the city and ocean). Lee Cha's group put on an extension for Pastor Ricardo's home. The night before the group arrived, Rosi and Ricardo had a baby girl. And Bob Riconda built a home for a family in Pastor Fransisco's community. Again, all this in one week!!In a matter of two weeks 8 different churches got to taste, touch and feel the mission field. Our prayer and hope is that this will ignite a deep desire to go home and live sold out for God. That this would not only be an experience for Mexico, but that the work begun here would continue at home.Todd Skinner's group sitting in front of Pastor Fransisco's house.Pastor Bob's group moving wood and getting ready to work.Pastor Bob's group gave a Bible to Juan & Sofia along with there house warming gift.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Amazing couple of weeks being involved in His ministry!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Our summer is so crazy, crazy good, but crazy
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
God is in control of ALL things!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Last spring break group & our spring break!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Ministry in Mexicali!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
God Continues to do Amazing Things!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
God Answers Your Prayers, THANK YOU JESUS!!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Exciting Things taking place!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Ministry in Ensenada when groups are not in town!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Last Group of 2008 & First Group of 2009!!
The group was able to spend New Years Eve with us and people from all the churches we are working with. We had a huge celebration with all 5 churches eating dinner together at our second floor. Faustino prepared his signature dish, Birria, for at least 150 of us. At the end of dinner, Rick set off fireworks and lit the interns Christmas tree on fire. The kids had a great time enjoying the fireworks and seeing the dry tree go up in seconds. The lighting of the Christmas tree was far more exciting than ALL the fireworks put together, it gives a new meaning to "light the Christmas tree"!
During the week we visited two of the churches for evening service. At Faustino's, Pastor Tom preached. At the beginning of the service, one of the members came in late holding her baby. Not concerned that the service had already started, she boldly went forward and asked for prayer for her baby. The baby had grabbed a pot of hot soup and burned her arm. Unbeknown to pastor Tom, his sermon spoke exactly on trusting God in difficult times. It is amazing to see how God puts things together!
Over the past few weeks we have been entertaining some friends, Todd & Suzanne Slind. Todd & Suzanne are considering coming down to Ensenada to be apart of the team. We have grown so much in the past 4 years that we can not do it on our own anymore, thanks to God! PLEASE PRAY with us and for Todd & Suzanne. We know first hand if this is of God, ALL things will work out, all those questions will be answered.